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Thread #152067   Message #3558576
Posted By: Jim Carroll
13-Sep-13 - 03:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
"And when was tear gas last used by either US or UK?"
British tear gas was used on Egyptian protestors in 2011, in Turkey this year, and it has just been placed on the British police forces' "wish list" along with tasers according to today's papers.
And still you defend Britain's appalling record of selling weapons and equipment to monsters.
"These licences all predate the conflict in Syria."
And you still defend Britain's trading chemical weapons to the country with;
"One of the worst human rights record in the world, second only to Korea"
The below report came out around the time Britain licensed sniper rifle ammunition to Syria and predated the sale of essential components for the manufacture of saran weapons by about eighteen months
Think I'd rather be "silly" than truly evil, as you appear to be.
Jim Carroll

"According to the 2008 report on human rights by the United States State Department, the Syrian government's "respect for human rights worsened". Members of the security forces arrested and detained individuals without providing just cause, often held prisoners in "lengthy pretrial and incommunicado detention", and "tortured and physically abused prisoners and detainees". The regime imposed significant restrictions on freedom of speech, press, assembly, and association, amid an atmosphere of government corruption.[15] According to Arab Press Freedom Watch, the current regime has one of the worst records on freedom of expression in the Arab world, second behind North Korea on Earth.[citation needed]According to Arab Press Network, "despite a generally repressive political climate", there were "signs of positive change," during the 2007 elections.[16] According to a 2008 report by Reporters without Borders, "Journalists have to tightly censor themselves for fear of being thrown into Adra Prison."[17]
In 2009 Syria was included in Freedom House's "Worst of the Worst" section and given a rating of 7 for Political Rights: and 6 for Civil Liberties.[18] According to Human Rights Watch, as of 2009 Syria's poor human rights situation had "deteriorated further". Authorities arrested political and human rights activists, censored websites, detained bloggers, and imposed travel bans. Syria's multiple security agencies continue to detain people without arrest warrants. No political parties were licensed and emergency rule, imposed in 1963, remained in effect.[1]"