The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28116   Message #355865
Posted By: mousethief
12-Dec-00 - 02:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another Opportunity for Parodies
Subject: RE: BS: Another Opportunity for Parodies
There's the joke about the blonde couple who froze to death at the drive-in theatre; they were waiting for the showing of "Closed for Winter" to start. You are right, however, that most blonde jokes star women.

But most blonde jokes are really generic jokes that could have been Italian jokes or Polack jokes or moron jokes any other thing. But you can't make ethnic jokes anymore unless the ethnicity is northern European, hence the rise of blonde jokes.

Are women really so fragile (or men either) that laughing at them crushes them to the ground? All humor is laughing AT someone. The differences between men and women (yes, NOW Magazine, there are differences between men and women!) are such that they give rise to humor. Men find women funny, because they are different, and women find men funny, because they are different. Yet they manage to fall in love and get married with these funny-and-different people. So any comparison between gender jokes and racist jokes is flawed. Neither is using the jokes to be nasty (well, maybe some are, but this is rare -- people who have come through ugly divorces or something like that might have a grudge against all members of the opposite sex for a time (maybe even permanently), but these people are in the minority and most instances of telling of gender jokes are by such people).

We may have to agree to disagree.
