The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28584   Message #355877
Posted By: mousethief
12-Dec-00 - 03:07 PM
Thread Name: Favorite religious Christmas music
Subject: RE: Favorite religious Christmas music
All of the above (except Holly and the Ivy, the lyrics to which I just don't get -- although the George Winston (instrumental) version is wonderful), as well as:

I saw 3 ships
O Bambino (One Cold and Blessed Winter)
Mary's Boy Chile

But my absolute favorite (I know, I'm weird) is:

The Snow Lay On the Ground.

I just love this one. don't ask me why.

Silent Night is chilling. Especially in German. Interestingly, the German text is mostly about the humanness of the Infant, whereas the usual English translation is more about His divinity.

Great thread!
