The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152069   Message #3558770
Posted By: ragdall
13-Sep-13 - 09:38 PM
Thread Name: Autumn Leaves Decluttered Spaces 2013
Subject: RE: Autumn Leaves Decluttered Spaces 2013
Spent the morning at my seniors genealogy club. The man who has custody of the Senior Centre laptop forgot to bring it. Fortunately, I "just happened to have" my laptop in my car, so we were able to look at online resources as well as use it for "show and tell" items that members brought on jump drives.

Last evening I finished digging out the composted leaves, etc., from my driveway drain and wedged 2 x 10 boards under the angle iron that supports the grating on the top, in hopes that the grating will remain level with the driveway surface when driven over. I discovered that the iron grate in front of the door is rusting and falling apart. I have no idea where to look for another one. I'm assuming that the man who put our driveway in, 30 some years ago, had it custom made.   

Then I cut all the boards that I'd bought for the arbor. I made a couple of mistakes which I could have lived with but decided to pick up two more boards for the arbor on my way home and redo those pieces.   The pain is still strong from being on my feet so long yesterday, but I'm trying to convince myself to get the saw out again and do the cutting. This hot weather won't last much longer. I'd like to use a gallon of stain I've had for a few years but I forgot to take it with me this morning to get the paint shop to give it a good shaking. I will try to get to the paint store Saturday. I still need to drill all the holes and figure out how many screws and bolts to buy before I can paint the boards and put it together.