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Thread #152067   Message #3558835
Posted By: Jim Carroll
14-Sep-13 - 06:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
"I opposed war on Iraq , but was never a fan of Saddam, Jim"
Ake the Ache may not be actually supporting Assad, but suggesting that he was "crushing a rebellion" by slaughtering protesters is certainly to give comfort - similarly, he didn't actually support Breivik's massacre, but his suggestion that some things the killer said motivated him were "worh considering" has the effect in diverting the blame to the victims
I oppose the US going in anywhere, but I think the situation is very different here.
Iraq was about oil - pure and simple, which is why the Bush Babies acted as they did.
Here, the US appears to have been shamed into going through some sort of motions to seem do be doing something.
I hope they don't take action and that the threat of doing so is enough, but hand-wringing at Assad's behaviour using chemical weapons he was helped develop by the West is not an option.
The suggestion that I ever proposed boots on the ground invasion is easily proved - show where I have ever made such a suggestion.
I have specified intervention in the massacres - no more
The fact that the accusation was made by our resident hand-wringer who suggested that the killer would be stopped if we continued selling him tear gas and armoured cars (and probably sniper bullets, of course is evidence of where he is coming from)
However, if continuing to make it up as he goes along takes some of the sting out of the hidings he has suffered of late, why should I begrudge him a little relief
Jim Carroll