The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152067   Message #3558880
Posted By: Jim Carroll
14-Sep-13 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
"but I certainly have never seen him receive " a hiding" at your hands"
Not by my hands Ache - it was all self-nfliicted, the rest of us could only watch and wonder
And no - you might consider yourself different from Keith but you're two sides of the same coin as far as I'm concerned - what with your views on homosexuals and your rants about immigration - this is the stuff the BNP and such shit are made of.
"these people don't want, or need Western style "democracy".
And you think Western Democracy with it's Arms sales, predatory economies, histories of Empire and lust for oil is a dream to work for?
These people have moved away from feudal monarchies; they might even achieve real democracy in time, but the first step is to get out of the sheikhs, imams and all the other garbage that has kept them where they were for millennia (with the full support of the west as long as they carried their loyalty cards and kept the oil flowing).
World inaction placed the Syrian protests in the hands of the religious radicals.
You whinge because they are not democratic yet you slag them off when they try to do something about it - what the **** do you suggest -that they just lie back and let and let the saran roll over them.
On humanitarian grounds alone something needs to be done to put right our malign influence on our "valued trading partners".
The West has been fully aware of the plight for centuries, yet they had barely put their walking shoes on and taken to the streets when Cameron and his merry men opened a huge Arms Fair deliberately targeting the very garbage they were protesting about.
"An elected govt(which the West didn't like)"
Er no - which the people didn't like, hat's why they took to the streets again - maybe if the West had done something other than arming the dictators down the ages the potential revolution wouldn't have fallen into the hands of the army - who knows?
Don't you find it somewhat contradictory to accuse someone of ranting and name calling with " Carrol County Blue Baby to rant and to call people names" - or is there something we haven't been told - address the arguments if you want to get on in the world my son!
I have to say I admire your style - making your first entry onto this thread a demand that we all move off to another one - you trying to tell us you'ver got B.O.?
Jim Carroll