The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152067   Message #3559080
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Sep-13 - 10:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
"Yes, even I can make a mistake."
I trust this was intended as an ironic remark?
"I have no reason to believe sniper rounds were supplied, and nor do you because they were not."
You and your dopey buddy were certain they were and you were willing to pass of such a sale as "harmless"
"Flouride is not a very harmful substance, compared to say alcohol or lavatory cleaner."
Is is also "the" essential component of saron and knowing this, Britain licenced it to be sold to Assad..
"Because this thread is about Syria Jim."
Good old "thread-drift" standby - it is what anybody who considers it relevant to the subject - arms sales to mass murderers is as relevent as it gets - obviously not to you!
"You are just raving now."
Jim Carroll
You've been given the possible effects of tear gas, you have been given the article covering the UK's police forces request to use it for crowd control - "put them together and what have you got, bippety-bobbety-boo
Therest is the old usual of "All denials and lies" - ah well!!