The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152067   Message #3559212
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Sep-13 - 03:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Your moronic sycophancy in attempting to steer these discussions into your own particular comfort zone not only cuts across what everybody else is doing here, but it goes against everything this forum stands for - it has given you the reputation you now have on Mudcat.
If you put forward your own arguments instead of attempting to suppress those of others (thread drift being your most common stunt) you might have something to say - instead of trying to block what others have to say if you find yourself at a loss to answer for yourself.
Your "more or less" guilty really does it for me; it takes me back to the fights we had in junior school "he stared it sir" - for Christ's sake, grow up and deal with these subjects as an adult, or leave them to those who wish to - you are humiliating yourself and fucking up yet another serious subject with your inanities.
Grow Up
Jim Carroll