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Thread #152067   Message #3559841
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
19-Sep-13 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Ake, I think Don T may have had an 'epiphany' about 'proof vs hype', since the Zimmerman trial..(I know, because I've gone around and around with him, about that, too), and I've seen his position change about the chemicals used on civilians, just on this thread. I think that is commendable!! He may be re-thinking some things about that, perhaps on some of the other topics as well.
As this topic unfolds, and either more proof comes out, or is hidden, may have an effect on others, who may just hold a 'partisan line', solely on the fact, that it was just a commonly held 'partisan line'.
As ANYONE who has followed my posts knows, I've been blasting partisan politics, when it comes to changing facts, and playing on people's emotions, steering them away from either the truth, or proof, of their positions...and what people are seeing because of the way this topic was dealt with, by the politicians and press, might just be a MAJOR breakthrough!! As I've said before, the 'peace' and/or protest movement of the 60's era, have been co-opted by the Democratic party, and they've been PRETENDING to champion 'liberal causes' for several decades, when in fact, the two parties have been playing off each other, while managing to push through policies and agendas, that have been favoring a system, that neither party, and the citizens would be in favor of, if it weren't for the smoke and mirrors, that's been purposely created, to keep people in the dark, and blaming 'the other party'!!!!.....Then they 'conscript' normally really decent people to adopt the most outlandish notions, get them emotionally involved, create divisions and then operate in the shadows and 'grey areas', deceiving BOTH sides!!!...disappointing BOTH sides, of the 'common folk', with it!!!...and those same 'decent folks', evolved into the 'parrots', making excuses on behalf of the very people who were willfully deceiving them!!..BOTH sides..BOTH parties....BOTH becoming neither true 'Conservatives', NOR 'Liberals'!!...yet thinking that they were/are!!!......(hence my oft repeated usage of the term, 'so-called', as in 'so-called liberals').
I think Don's change of position, if you will, is 'pointing the way', not just for this subject, but for a list of others, as well...(which I'd LOVE to point out here, but it would lead to a major thread drift, I'm sure.

His quote, "For me, proof should precede action, not follow it", should be a motto to live by, for all those enveloped into 'partisanship politics'....then we'd see their numbers plummeting!!!

As it is now, (and as aforementioned by moi), is that the Democrats are starting to feel betrayed, or alarmed about Obama in his second term, just the same way Republicans were starting to feel about Bush, in his second term!!....and as songwriters, and performers, that had their roots in the 60's, protesting the policies of BOTH sides, when nobody was listening, it's time to remember who and what you are!!!!..and that your greatest tool, is the one you tune up, after you get your head clear!!!

Regards and Cheers!!