The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3560035
Posted By: GUEST,concerened
20-Sep-13 - 08:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
I aint your friend gnomeyo..nor am I a friend to any fraud, con man, self promoter,ginger liberal, gateaux eating galloot, telegraph reading mockers and all their Tory or neo Tory ilk.

Because you do not believe in something, small minded person gnomet, you do not have to mock a little compassionate.. a hell of a lot of people get a lot of spiritual comfort from believing in religion.

I have a lot of friends of the cloth, they are not heavy drinkers or molesters of small boys, they like all their clerical friends would take massive objection to your unthinking, unsubstantiated and crass statements

You lot, and you in particular gmomo, think mocking peoples beliefs is smart, when really it shows you up for the shallow clowns you really are.

So, gnometic, why don't you engage what passes for your mind into gear before you take people like me on.. you really are not in my league.