The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152067   Message #3560283
Posted By: Jim Carroll
22-Sep-13 - 07:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Britain has and continued to do so until the UN put a ban on it.
You have had the information - you have had the opportunity to disprove it - you choose not to - speaks for itself.
"Have a go at them for a change."
I have and I do - the US is the second greatest arms trader in the world
Israel has sold chemical weapons to Iran
Whatever we might condemn we are answerable only to what our own governments do in our name.
The suggestion that trade boycotts would only harm the Syrian people is a mealy-mouthed excuse to go on trading with human rights abusers - far older than having been used to continuing to trade with the South African apartheid regime following the Sharpville and Soweto massacres.
It is merely an excuse not to use the only influence we have over monsters, yet Britain chooses to profit from them by trade - even to the extent of ignoring long term torture and murder - this is what the British government does in the name of the British people
It has been suggested by a defecting official that this is Assad'd Achilles heel - Britain has ignored it and you have chosen neither to defend or excuse their behaviour - you refuse even to comment on it
To suggest this us "anti British" is to allign the British people with the slimeball activities ofit's politicians, just as to describe criticism of Israel as "Anti Semitic" is to implicate all Jews with Israeli war crimes.
Jim Carroll