The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152067   Message #3560519
Posted By: Keith A of Hertford
23-Sep-13 - 02:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Don, I have no prejudices and have never expressed any.
You can accuse but never produce.
I did support Obama's limited action to deter more gassings.
That does not make me gung ho.
Jim wants intervention on the ground!
This is the post you really can not forgive me for Don.

From: Keith A of Hertford - PM
Date: 05 Jul 13 - 03:00 AM

"The figures regarding blame in London are suspect, to say the least, given that any cyclist causing a collision and lucky enough to avoid injury"

The figures are accepted as reliable except only by you Don.
No-one else has ever heard of a collision caused by but not involving cyclists.
You claim to personally know of five.
That is because you are a liar and make stories up to make your case.

You tell a ludicrous story of sending a cyclist to hospital with your stick.
You claim he was fined for "furious riding"
Such a charge is extremely rare and always reported on.
The last one in Kent was in 19th Century.
Furious Riding has to involve injury to a pedestrian.
You forgot to make up the injured pedestrian Don.

You foolish, foolish man.
You make a liar of yourself to make a pathetic point on a miniscule Mudcat spat.