The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152288   Message #3561192
Posted By: GUEST,Blandiver
25-Sep-13 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: What religion is god?
Subject: RE: BS: What religion is god?
God is just an idea - a concept - or a myriad of concepts - explore the cultural ramifications & manifestations of that idea by all means but it doesn't change the fact that A) We made it up, and B) Its only existence is the collective imagination of humanity these past 10,000 years or whatever. Like Santa Clause, everyone knows its just make-believe - that much, thank goodness, is evident enough so as not to have to enter into any pointless discussions on its 'existence' otherwise.

As for Philosophy, a friend of mine once said it was going looking for trouble where there isn't any. Like Religion, I steer well clear.

A newborn babe surveys the sky -
And wonders how can it fit in my tiny eye?
Then turns its gaze out to the sea,
and thinks : if God there is, then I am he!