The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4074   Message #3561240
Posted By: MGM·Lion
25-Sep-13 - 02:13 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Wildwood Flower / I'll Twine 'Mid the ...
Subject: RE: Origins: Wildwood Flower / I'll Twine 'Mid the ...
The late Pete Sayers of Newmarket, country singer extraordinaire, the only [I think] Englishman who had a regular radio program in Nashville, who died 2005, also noted radio comedian in his Radio Cambridge persona of "Denis of Grunty Fen"* used to sing a parody version about his very thin girlfriend, beginning

"My flower of the wildwood is skinny and tall
Without her Adam's apple she'd have no shape at all".

It continues in this vein. At one point, I recall, she found work as a stripper, but

Instead of shouting "take 'em off" they hollered "keep 'em on!".

I heard him sing it at an early Cambridge FF, & once interviewed him for my Folk Review column and got him to sing it again, but alas have lost the tape.

Does anyone else remember this version, or know any more of the words?


*A stretch of land near where I live in the Cambs fens, just south of Ely. Clement Freud, who was MP for the Isle of Ely as well as noted personality & tv chef, used to race a horse called Grunty Fen, which had several wins I believe.