The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4074   Message #3563458
Posted By: MGM·Lion
02-Oct-13 - 01:21 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Wildwood Flower / I'll Twine 'Mid the ...
Subject: RE: Origins: Wildwood Flower / I'll Twine 'Mid the ...
Re my request above for the Pete Sayers "Skinny & tall" variant. I googled these words & got the following on the google index -- Origins: Wildwood Flower / I'll Twine 'Mid the ...
17 Feb 1998 ... Oh my flower of the wildwood was skinny and tall 'Cept for her adam's apple, she had no shape at all I can still see her there, sittin' under the ...~~

i.e. a link to THIS thread; but above doesn't occur on this thread, or SFAICS on any of the links above to other threads re this song or the DT.

Any idea where I might find the song ref'd to in this index entry?
