The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152069   Message #3564314
Posted By: LilyFestre
04-Oct-13 - 04:00 PM
Thread Name: Autumn Leaves Decluttered Spaces 2013
Subject: RE: Autumn Leaves Decluttered Spaces 2013
Well....I've been having some medical issues and today I finally called the doctor and got myself for an appointment. *Grumble Mutter Mutter* There are 3 things going on but most concerning is some increasing pain in my lower right abdomen that has been going on for a few days...not sure what that's about but the pain is pretty intense and the frequency is jumping.

So today I just took it easy. I didn't do anything other than make a crock pot full of chili. I was a lounge lizard....took a shower and sat in my recliner ALL DAY. ALL DAY.

I've been kinda tired lately too so a day at home, alone was a good time to rest.
