The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152408   Message #3564636
Posted By: Nigel Paterson
06-Oct-13 - 06:23 AM
Thread Name: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
Subject: RE: Nic Jones and U.S Mudcatters?
It seems to be generally acknowledged that if Nic's catastrophic car crash in 1982 hadn't curtailed his career in such a violent way, he would have been destined for international recognition & acclaim. There is information elsewhere on Mudcat (The 'Enigma of Nic Jones' thread) which includes details about US 'Catters viewing the documentary. Following the showing of 'The Enigma of Nic Jones', sales of his iconic album, 'Penguin Eggs' have rocketed. International recognition & acclaim could yet become a reality!
                                        Nigel Paterson (Mandolin, The Halliard)