The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3566265
Posted By: GUEST,the artist formally known as concerened
12-Oct-13 - 07:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Well Gnomet.. it was a little short I know ..but I was rushing of to catch me flight to Dubai A big meeting with some of the world leaders on how we can feed the world without imposing to much tax on the rich..

A little more important wouldn't you say than you lot pricking about with your smug, self righteous, ginger pussy inane comments on here.

Jack, I did have hope for you and really did not wanna burst you little self deluded bubble, BUT, you are, always have been and always will be a grade A phoney..a little better than wizzjet and the rest...but your nautical pretensions alone gets you into the the thumb up bum, crayon wedging brigade.

Shinrod..if you read me posts properly you will see there is nothing of the sitting loftily on the sidelines about me. All the crap you and the other rank outsiders and cads spout I have heard, read, absorbed and discarded for the self deluded pseudo intellectual psychobabble and claptrap it is.

The mistake you, seaman styanes, stringplaiter, wizjeter make is looking on my valid comments as insults. Far from it, it is my honest comment on how I perceive you all...lighten up a little you balloons.