The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3566527
Posted By: Jim Carroll
13-Oct-13 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
"Are you not curious to see if musket and Jim are prepared to disown Greg's views?"
I, like Mike, am bored (and in my case) sickened by this thread
You have distorted Musket's meaning, I don't for one minute accept Greg's statement as it stands and I very much doubt he does, but even if he does it doesn't come anywhere near the dishonesty and inhumanity you have displayed here and on countless other threads.
I have stated my own position clearly; I have no problem whatever with any religion; my life has been tied up with practicing, honest and sincere Christians from birth - my friends and a large number of my family are Christians; why on earth should you even have to ask.
I understand fully where Greg is coming from - if were are in any way typical of Christians I would understand why he feels it necessary to make his remark.
You represent everything I believe to be evil in so-called Christians, your inhumanity, your dishonesty, your mealy-mouthed hypocrisy, your deliberate avoidance of the suffering brought about by an omnipotent Church which has always sided with the establishment against the well-being of the faithful... absolutely breathtaking!
You don't even have the quality of consistency - you side unswervingly with terrorist states who carry out their atrocities supposedly in the name of their religion, yet you mouth support for some of the most dangerous Anti-Semites Britain has ever produced - at the time Jews were being herded into extermination camps - your reason - this particular breed of Anti-Semite happened to be British.
The only reason for even responding to your on-going bigoted vomit it toy allow you to dig yourself in even deeper that you already have into your extremist pit - you seem to have reached the lowest but I dare say you'll prove me wrong in that.
Jim Carroll