The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152446   Message #3566801
Posted By: Bat Goddess
14-Oct-13 - 10:41 AM
Thread Name: Curmudgeon In Hospice - [November 2013]
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon In Hospital - Oct 2013
Did I mention earlier that Tom can, indeed, have visitors and phone calls and that the phone number of the Critical Care Unit is 603-740-2294?

I spent most of the afternoon reading to Tom yesterday ("Gastronomic Me" by M.F.K. Fisher) and then later in the afternoon visited some friends closeby for R&R, beer, and puppy cuddles and face licks. Then I went back to the hospital to say goodnight to Tom. Talked to the cardiologist at that time -- he's been reducing the amount of whatever drug they've been giving Tom to boost and stabilize his blood pressure to ween him off it, and says he thinks Tom may be released in a few days. Tom was looking forward to some ice cream when I left.

Tom's been actually feeling FINE all the while. He looks good, sounds good, and is in surprisingly good spirits, though he'd really like to go home.

Meanwhile, I haven't yet been able to talk to my advisors to get their take. Keep in mind none of Tom's doctors at the hospital have known him for more than the past couple days and don't have any real history with Tom. I've gotten some inconsistent answers, and I'm not really sure how much I trust them. I'm not even sure exactly how worried I should be. I KNOW I'm more worried than when Tom had his heart surgery in 2004 -- but then I was just so relieved that he was getting medical attention (he was under-employed, had no health insurance, we had no savings, I was unemployed, and he was really really sick and I was frantic) and then I was too busy being on my knees begging for assistance from every agency around (and providing them with photocopies of every piece of paper in our lives) that I didn't have TIME to be worried.

Well, I AM worried now. They've also said his heart function is much lower than it's been (although he's looking, feeling and acting much better than the numbers would indicate -- see why I'm confused?) and, this morning Tom said that the doctor said they might try a different defibrillator. Again, I'll have to talk to the doctor for more information when I get to the hospital -- which I really have to do so I've GOT to get dressed and get out of the house.
