The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3567221
Posted By: Steve Shaw
15-Oct-13 - 07:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Gosh, I go away for a day to climb Dunkery Beacon to visit the site (on what would have been his birthday) where my wonderful father-in-law's ashes were scattered, and what do I find? Why, Snailie Boy/Girl (I knew a girl called Bryan once - a bit dodgy, but hey ho) is still having a go about me and my evolution-is-true truth! Now listen up, trail-of-slime. Here's chapter and verse, you bloody lousy stalker you. Evolution is true. It happens. It exists. It cannot be refuted (do feel free to stop me whenever you like...) But, saying "evolution is true" is not a scientific statement. After breakfast this morning I had a really good, hearty shit. I hardly have the words to convey to you the satisfaction thereof. But telling you that I had a good, hearty shit is not a scientific statement. It is a statement (which you may, at your peril, feel free to refute, of course: have a chat with pete. He'll tell you that black is white and, in all probability, that Steve can't possibly shit) of what happened in the real world. Now evolution is true. It's true because it happens and only a fool would say it doesn't. Perhaps you're one of those fools. Do tell us if you're not completely certain that evolution happens.


Evolution needs to be explained. There are many details and nuances that worry even its most ardent adherents. So what we have is the theory of evolution by natural selection. 'Tis is a wonderful theory because it espouses a massive body of superb evidence. Evidence in the very best scientific meaning of the word. The theory explains evolution really well. But the theory is an explanation of the truth, and that theory still has a lot of explaining to do. Now do go along and shove your philosophical carpings where the sun don't shine, dear boy.