I have heard, many years ago, mind you..."I took out my gun with my dog I did run
All down by the River Kildare..."You might also like this from a 19th century Irish-American songster...
I've a nice little cabin that's built with mud,
In the beautiful county Kildare;
I've acres of land and men at command,
And I've always a shilling to spare.
Och! I didn't come here boys to look for a job,
But just a short visit to pay;
And as I walk through the streets people say that I meet,
"There's a man you don't meet every day."Then call for your glasses, have just what you want,
And whatever the damage I'll pay;
Bhoys, be airy and free when you're drinking wid me,
For I'm the man you don't meet every day.When I landed in Glasgow, what a sight met my eyes,
As first I put my foot on the shore;
There was Felix O'Donough, blind Barney McGurk,
And around 2 or 3 dozen more.
Och! murther! you ought to have seen them all stare,
And then they did all run away;
Says I, "My spanpeens, do you think I'm a ghost
Because I'm a man you don't meet every day?"I'm in love with a nice little girl in the town,
And we're going to be married today;
And if you come over a twelvemonth from now,
A right welcome to you I will pay;
And I think I can show you a little spaleen,
Who then will be able to say
To my friends and companions, while pointing me out,
"There's a man you don't meet every day."All the best,