The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152446   Message #3567868
Posted By: Bat Goddess
17-Oct-13 - 04:34 PM
Thread Name: Curmudgeon In Hospice - [November 2013]
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon In Hospital - Oct 2013
Sanity, I think, is still elusive.

Everyone keeps telling me they're glad I'm getting some rest, but I don't know if I AM getting any rest. I seemed to have a fine night's sleep last night and I fell asleep around 9. Tom woke me up this morning and then got insistent on me getting there, so I wasn't able to ease into the day as I prefer to.

When I got to the CCU I was absolutely exhausted -- I'd noticed yesterday it was all catching up with me -- and, after getting an update from his nurse, I crawled into his bed (this was around 11 a.m.) -- he was in the chair -- and fell asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow. I slept through his physical therapy (Kathy had him walking out in the hall) and lord knows what else. I woke up at around 2:30 when the hospitalist was in explaining that he was staying in the CCU because there was no room in telemetry, but that he would be released tomorrow probably early afternoon. So I'll have time to get him home and settled and get to Portsmouth for the session.

All I gotta say are the cream horns at the Waterfall Café in the lobby (they're from Harvey's in Dover) are OUT OF THIS WORLD.

Got a nice card from some local friends. Ya know, email and Mudcat and Facebook greetings are nice, but I really enjoy and feel heartened by snail mail greetings and wishes.

I'd like to say I've gotten a second wind after my nap, but, no, I'm still barely functional. It's like all the stress and exertion and fatigue has slammed into me at once. Made sure I took my vitamins this morning...if this is some kind of bug trying to trip me up while my resistance is low, I want to head it off at the pass.

That being said, all I am REALLY REALLY looking forward to is a day where I don't have to go anywhere or do anything.

The case manager is moving right along on the new wheelchair project and has gotten the prescription, which is half the battle. I'm still trying to score a small recliner which will make Tom being able to keep his feet up a lot easier than the current arrangement.

After I got him squared away again, I decided to head home while I was still more or less awake. It's going to be another early night, probably not much after I call Tom to say goodnight. I haven't been this physically tired since driving straight through to Milwaukee with only three hours' nap at a loud rest area on the New York Thru-way.

Speaking of Milwaukee, I just got an email that my sister is in the hospital so I'd better go call her.
