The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3567949
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
18-Oct-13 - 02:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Of course, Steve, you could say the same about pete - who will (probably) never be coaxed out of his cosy "God did it" hole whatever we say. Still, it's a good exercise for prompting some of us to think about the nature of science and evidence and, for that matter, religious belief. I can't resist taking another shot at it:


1. God may exist but YOU have no evidence for His existence.

2. Your assertion that God created the world, and all living things, in 7 days is highly unlikely and you have no evidence that he did any such thing - apart from biblical accounts - which are probably metaphorical.

3. If you insist that God is the creator then you have to answer the questions: Who or what created God and what materials is God made out of? If you insist that God is ineffable, then we are not arguing on equal terms - you have removed yourself from the debate.

4. Your passionate belief in something doesn't, necessarily, make it probable and your disbelief in something doesn't make it improbable.

5. You cannot insert God or the Bible into what, you perceive to be, the gaps in the ever-changing and evolving scientific account of the origins of living things, our planet and the wider Universe.