The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152446   Message #3568651
Posted By: Bat Goddess
20-Oct-13 - 08:20 PM
Thread Name: Curmudgeon In Hospice - [November 2013]
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon In Hospital - Oct 2013
Tom has no voice (thanks to vocal cord cancer). The whistle is to call me if he needs help -- softly for most things, loud if it's an emergency.

He hasn't figured out how to cope with his blindness yet. And it IS still changing. But it would seem to me that if he had things in a regular place he could then find them when he needs them. It would make things easier for him. But...even when he could see he never put things away so, well, why should he start now? (Other than to make life easier for himself; sigh.) There is NO reason for him to go into the basket with night time meds that are on my side of the table. The only thing that does is make me have to go searching for them when we need them before going to bed.

I've suggested highly to him that, if he wakes up and it's dark, STAY THE HECK IN BED!!! I'll be downstairs around 8 a.m. There is absolutely no reason for him to get up before then. There is no reason to flounder around in the dark and get MY day off on entirely the wrong foot. Especially right now when I really need to rally my resources and build my reserves after a week and a half of extreme stress and juggling too many things.

It'll work out. I just need to vent a little.

Our friends Bruce and Mike (and Mike's son) brought over the recliner this afternoon. It's WONDERFUL and will really help Tom elevate his legs a lot more easily. And he can sleep in it as a change from the couch where he's been sleeping for the past year and a half.

Tomorrow we jump into all the post hospital stay doctors' appointments, visiting nurses, phone calls, new wheelchair delivery, etcet etcet.
