The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152326   Message #3568793
Posted By: Joe Offer
22-Oct-13 - 06:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Religion, which is the best one?
Subject: RE: BS: Religion, which is the best one?
That's a challenging question, Passing Thought. I did my best to say what it all meant to me once upon a few months ago, and I got burned. But what the hell - I'll do it again. It seems to me that most religious groups have mystical roots, ideas that stimulate the imagination and take a person to unknown places. And then other people see that and are drawn to it, but they can't quite take the chance of following their imaginations into the unknown. As a result, they come up with a replica of that mystical quest, without the risk - and that results in rules and doctrines. It's still an honest attempt, but it lacks depth and constantly needs reform.
I guess I'm on the fringe of all that mystical stuff, and I find it intriguing. In that space, there are no answers, no rules, no structures - only questions to explore. So, I spend my life exploring what is the nature of goodness, of beauty, of peace - and it's a fascinating place to be. I like the religious ritual and tradition because it takes me to good places; but it's all a journey into uncertainty, seeking the ultimate good.
