The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152535   Message #3568807
Posted By: JennieG
22-Oct-13 - 06:49 AM
Thread Name: 2013/14 fire season, Australia
Subject: RE: 2013/14 fire season, Australia
I know you can't compare 'stuff' to human lives, but it would be so hard to go. People are continually being told to have a bushfire plan, and if they wish to evacuate then go early before roads become blocked and impassable.....but when everything you own in the world is tied up in your house and its contents, and you are being told to get out and leave your house to its fate, it would be such a difficult thing to do.

We live on the edge of town with bushland over our back fence, but the tree line is further up the hill - the land between us and the trees is cleared, and at present is just brown dry stubble. Some rain would be very welcome.