The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152589   Message #3569283
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Oct-13 - 12:22 PM
Thread Name: Criticism at singarounds
Subject: RE: Criticism at singarounds
Anywhere were the public have access, club, recital, concert or singaround, is committed to establishing, where possible, that the standard doesn't fall below an established (by the organisers) level.
"No matter how good the best, visitors, non aficionados, relatives, friends, well-wishers... always go away with the memory of the worst" - near-enough-for-folk-song-law.
Every club we've been involved with had has attempted to offer some sort of assistance ranging from personal help by willing individuals to fully-fledged workshops (London Singers Workshop ran for nearly twenty years).
Some clubs set up private singarounds, either in members' homes or in booked rooms, where less experienced singers got a chance to develop out of the glare of the footlights.
There is 'criticism and criticism' of course; "that was crap" isn't either, it's condemnation - the English folk scene is plagued by not being able to tell the difference.
Of all the art or entertainment form I love and have ever been involved in, Folk song is the only one that considers itself above criticism and has developed an immune system against it - terms like "folk-police" and "elitist" spring to mind.
Jim Carroll