The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152434   Message #3570104
Posted By: Songwronger
25-Oct-13 - 07:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?
Subject: RE: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare? exposed as data-gathering honey pot to shamelessly harvest private consumer data and turn it over to the NSA

The pieces of the puzzle on Obamacare are finally coming together. Yesterday it was revealed during congressional testimony that the website contains a hidden disclaimer which reads, "You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communication or data transmitting or stored on this information system."

This is an open admission that the site intends to share your data with other government entities. It also means the entire website violates federal law because it does not comply with HIPAA regulations for medical privacy. Click here to watch the astonishing video testimony.

But this isn't the only evidence now emerging.

It also turns out that an NSA-funded entity actually helped build! Kit Daniels has just published a groundbreaking story that links the CIA venture capital firm "In-Q-Tel" to the data collection technology provider known as Socrata.

"Socrata will work with the CIA and other intelligence agencies to transform raw data into a format easily utilized and accessible to the intelligence community," writes Daniels. " captures the personal data provided during the Obamacare enrollment process for this spy grid database." is specifically designed to gather your most intimate details such as social security number, annual salary, place of employment, immigration status, military background, criminal history, physical place of residence, bank account numbers and much more. This information is simply shuttled directly to the NSA where it is then used to cross-tabulate all your phone calls, texts, social media posts, website surfing habits, credit card purchase habits and much more.

How Badly Will Obamacare Screw You?

First, if you're "27", the average premium is $266.20/month or $3,194.40 per year. How many 27 year olds have an extra $3,200 to spend on this? Remember, this is the price that virtually every uninsured 27 year old must be willing -- and able -- to cough up in order to prevent the model this system is predicated on from collapsing.

If those 27 year olds don't show up, and they won't, then the system collapses instantly. If they do show up because the government threatens them with fines the economy collapses as $3,200 a year exceeds the average 27 year old's disposable personal income after mandatory expenses (e.g. food, shelter, etc.)...

...Now let's look at the government's own claims. First, the CPI index claims that health insurance is 0.656% of the family budget. What percentage of couples make $1.185 million a year? Why do I ask? Because that's the alleged median income for a couple if you believe the government's CPI numbers....

...Oh, yeah, about that -- most of these plans absolutely exclude payment of anything to out-of-network physicians and facilities. "You can keep your doctor" eh? Uh, no.

This "program" is nothing more than the imposition of force to support a medical "system" that has systematically and intentionally destroyed the health of millions with government assistance and prodding.

This second article makes a good point about the economy. In order for Obamacare to work, all 27 year olds must enroll (but the penalty, sorry, the "tax" will be only $95 the first year if they don't. So they won't enroll). The system will fail. But even if they DID all sign up, that $3000 or so going to insurance rather than other sectors of the economy will starve those other sectors of the economy.