The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152446   Message #3570307
Posted By: Bat Goddess
26-Oct-13 - 02:53 PM
Thread Name: Curmudgeon In Hospice - [November 2013]
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon In Hospital - Oct 2013
Today is probably the closest I'm going to come to a "pajama day" in the foreseeable future. No appointments today and no one is coming over. I don't have to go out at all for any reason.

Does this mean I have the day off? Well, noooo...

Today I'm getting caught up on the stuff around the house that I haven't been able to get done for about three weeks. I indexed ALL of Tom's freelance articles from 1995-1999 (I'd already done 1994) and I'm partway to getting the information into a Word file.

I also got some laundry done (including hand washing), dried some laundry, and ran the dishes through. Made a nice late breakfast, so I'm just now (2:45) heating up some leftovers for a light "lunch". Hope to get my bed changed, the kitchen compost taken out, a bunch of stuff schlepped to the cellar, the rollator out of the car and Tom's old wheelchair put into the car. I have to check my list as to what else I'm trying to get done today. Some emailing, too. Don't think I'll have time to vacuum, but I should probably sweep...out of respect for my seldom-used vacuum cleaner. (Why overload it?)

And I went over the agenda for tomorrow's PMFF board meeting with Tom and made notes for use at the meeting.

Tomorrow is the PMFF board meeting and it will probably be a long one -- Tom will be there in a wheelchair. But it will be capped by dinner at The Press Room (where I'll have some needed help getting Tom in and out -- I won't need help at the library which is handicapped accessible).

Monday it starts in again -- Emergency Response people coming at 10:30 to set up Tom's emergency button, Tom's physical therapist at noon, and Tom's CFI caseworker around 3-ish. I'll have to check my calendar for Tuesday (but I'm pretty sure the visiting nurse will be here), and Wednesday Tom has an appointment at the wound clinic.

ChanteyLass, I use the declutter thread as my "support group" in between Tom's medical adventures threads.
