The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152589   Message #3570979
Posted By: Jim Carroll
29-Oct-13 - 04:39 AM
Thread Name: Criticism at singarounds
Subject: RE: Criticism at singarounds
"Maybe what this thread needs at this juncture is someone who is a crap singer and is keenly aware of the fact. Move over"
The sad thing about all these discussions is that they never seem to come to terms with the fact that that, with a little assistance and a little effort, anybody who is willing to put in the time can become a proficient singers, and with further effort, can become a good one.
Turning 'bad' (read inexperienced) singers away is never an option, just as turning clubs and public sessions into venues for practicing in public is not an option either.
Audiences (whether they are made up of singers or just listeners) deserve reasonable performances and anybody interested enough to want to sing deserves help to do so.
In a quarter of a century of working in workshops, I can never remember meeting 'a hopeless case' who was not worth working with - some take longer than others, but all were worth it.
I stopped singing seriously decades ago; but recently, having got my singing 'second wind', I find myself feeding on all the valuable advice and help I was given all those years ago when I was treading water as a green singer.
Jim Carroll