The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28631   Message #357124
Posted By: Kim C
14-Dec-00 - 12:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bah Humbug
Subject: RE: BS: Bah Humbug
We have some GREAT Christmas lights here in Nashville. There's one guy who runs his off generators so as not to zap his local power. He has a fine, lovely home just south of Nashville and every year does this spectacular display. It's my absolute favorite, and I have to go out of my way to see it, but what the heck.

There's another family that sets up Santy Claus in a little bass boat pulled by eight fish. This year they added a little pond, too. Then there was the guy up the street from my mom who had Santy's sleigh pulled by eight pink yard flamingos.

A couple years ago, a family up the street from us had some of those little wooden cutouts in their yard - a reindeer, and an elf wielding a large candy cane. The floodlights they put on them were such that the elf cast a large shadow on the side of the house, making it look like he was about to club the little reindeer. We called it "The Killer Elf." They haven't done it since. Wonder why...