The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #55993   Message #3571356
Posted By: GUEST
30-Oct-13 - 06:50 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: little known Percy French songs
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: little known Percy French songs
There's the saddlin' bell ringing! - the numbers are up,

Oh, man dear! I must see the race for the Cup.

Push up on that plank there! hi! gimme a hand

Oh, man! this is better than any Grand Stand.

There's high fliers payin' a shillin' - an' two

That hasn't the half, nor the quarther the view.

Hi! Peter! McGinty! McGinty me son

Come up here an' see the big race bein' run.

Not room for another? Oh, now you be civil

Come up here me haro! - An' you to the divil!

Look Peter from' here you can see the whole

Aye, call up a policeman, call up the whole Force!

There's the bank an' the hurdles an' there's the stone

An there's the big water jump, best o' them all.

Who am I backin'? Well, now I declare

I've got all me money on Carinody's mare! -

Last night it was Carmody gave me the tip

(You'll he over the rail if ye give any 'lip')

He told me the ring men were at him agin

To pull the bay mare - but he's riding to win

Thirty pounds if he pulled her! - aye, that's what they

An' let "Queen o' the May" come and romp in instead,

But he'll not take their money, he means to ride fair.

An' that's why me shirt is on Carmody's mare.

There's Carmody! gallopin' down on the bay,

There's Dimpsey, the robber! on "Queen o' the May,"

There's Flynn on "The Firefly" - Burke on "Red Fox,"

There's Mangan on "Merry-Legs" - see the white socks,

There's Sweeny on "Swanshot" - There's Major Tom Goff!

He's linin' them up, boys! - Begorra they're off!

Sit down you in front there! well take off that hat,

I'll take off yer head, if ye give any chat!

Where is he, Peter? Well up in the front?

Oh, don't say that's him at the heel o' the hunt!

Ah, sure, I know why he is keepin' her in,

Yer goin' too fast at the bank, Mr. Flynn.

Didn't I tell you, that lep is too wide

No sensible horse, 'ill take that in his stride.

Ah! look at Carmody - Carmody knows

Hop and go lightly an' over he goes!

What's that yer sayin' there? - Heavens above!

Was there ever a race where a man didn't shove?

Fall off an' he hanged to you, little I care,

As long as Ned Carmody sticks to his mare.

Where is he, Peter? - the Hurdles! well done!

Now, see him off like the shot from a gun!

WILL you sit down, there, I must see the race.

Ye want the contints o' me fist in yer face.

Where is he, Peter? Oh! the stone wall,

Ah, Mr. Sweeney, you're out of it all.

Don't let her race at it! Keep her in check!

Or ye'll break her two legs and' yer own silly neck!

Ah! look at Carmody, sinsible chap!

Look at him goin' where Flynn made the gap.

What's that yer talkin' of? What's that you say?

The race is a mortal for "Queen o' the May!"

Oh, bedad! look at her, sailin' away,

Now, Carmody, Carmody, let out the bay,

Slash at her, slaughter her, into her now,

'Tis the bay mare that's under you, 'tisn't a cow.

Hustle her, bustle her, drive her across,

'Tis the bay mare that's under you, 'tisn't an ass,

Now, for the Water Jump, grip wid yer thighs,

Rise themare over it - over she flies!

Look at the two o' them into the straight.

Carmody gains on him! isn't he great?

Now, for a touch o' the spur in her flank,

D'ye think ye've the lease o' this dirty old plank?

WILL ye go home, and take care o' yer twins.

A thousand pounds level, that Carmody wins!

Didn't I tell ye, ye ignorant calf,

Carmody wins by a lingth an' a half,

Didn't I tell it ye, Peter me son,

Carmody wins, an' I got five to one!

An' now me good people, I'm just goin' down.

Down to the Bookie to get - me Half-crown.