The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152589   Message #3571425
Posted By: Uncle Tone
30-Oct-13 - 11:46 AM
Thread Name: Criticism at singarounds
Subject: RE: Criticism at singarounds
@GS   "i am not a troll or illiterate,I know nothing about you, but let me tell you I have been performing and writing songs on a professional basis for 37 years, I would advise you to mind your mouth and manners."

Is that supposed to impress me or give you status here?

I'll just remind you of what you wrote and how you wrote it:

"canal whheeler, since you clearly do not like this guy, why not try do you know you have b. o.,or do you know every week you are here singing the milkmaman is putting a bun in your wifes oven"

Firstly you assume I don't like the guy. Wrong.

Secondly your entry was illiterate. I guess you were probably in your cups when you wrote it?

Thirdly your suggestions, whether written in humour or ignorance, were ridiculous. and ill founded. certainly not constructive to the thread.

You might not be a troll normally..... but when you wrote that you certainly were.

Maybe an apology would be more appropriate than a lot of self-righteous bluster?
