The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3572227
Posted By: akenaton
02-Nov-13 - 12:35 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
"I repeat. He wants compulsory testing and a register of one section of society based on choice of partner rather than clinical risk. Testing cannot lead to cure, so there is no point. It is already an offence to knowingly have unsafe sex if you have a sexually transmitted disease, so he fails to make a point."

Ian... You are deliberately spreading misinformation about my views, fortunately, only your acolytes here seem to be paying any attention to what you are printing.   Thank you Pete, your opinion of me is not misplaced and even as an atheist, I admire your guts and faith in standing up to such a shower.
I repeat that the origin of the universe is beyond the understanding of humanity and a belief in "god" has always been beneficial to society.....if "god" happens to be the life force, it is hard to deny that we were created by "god".

Ian, as male homosexuality contains by far the highest levels of sexual transmitted diseases(70% of all new cases of syphilis and HIV, compulsory testing would certainly be based on clinical risk and not sexual preference. As I have already said, if these infection rates pertained to any other demographic, I would be supporting compulsory testing for that demographic.

The biggest problem with HIV/Aids is the very large numbers of male homosexuals who have not yet been diagnosed yet carry the virus.
The last study by CDC made clear that over 30% of those who tested positive were completely unaware that they had been infected.
Compulsory testing would have to run in conjunction with increased contact tracing, which would stop the spread of the disease in those who are unaware of their condition.

You are a disgrace to the medical profession....if you ever had anything to do with allow your agenda to determine your views on this issue.......Isn't the irradication of the epidemic of sexual disease amongst male homosexuals, more important than your "belief" in equality under a Capitalist system?