The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152589   Message #3572712
Posted By: Jim Carroll
04-Nov-13 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: Criticism at singarounds
Subject: RE: Criticism at singarounds
"I think the idea of a critics group (or night ) a very interesting one. "
Nice idea, but in practice we've found it seldom work without things all ending in tears.
The singarounds I've been part of worked far better when they were "chaired" by someone who has the sense and experience to not only keep the noise down, stop shuffling feet, get mobile phones turned off, stop clandestine diners treating sessions as cafes... and all the other irritants you mention, but also, while make sure everybody gets a chance, attempts to strike a balance between the lesser experienced and talented and the seasoned performers.
This can help avoid the long runs of singers who are still finding their feet and give a chance of the listener going home having heard a good mix of talents.
Some of the best sessions have been to have been handled in this way – some of the worst are ones I'd never go to more than a couple of times.
Sorry about the somewhat bilious interruptions by the way
Jim Carroll