The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152589   Message #3574167
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
09-Nov-13 - 10:52 AM
Thread Name: Criticism at singarounds
Subject: RE: Criticism at singarounds
This is the message that started the thread.

A question about protocol and politeness.

Among regulars at a singaround, what do you think are the appropriate circumstances for telling another singer, in a helpful spirit, that his or her singing was flat/wandered off key/gave out on the high notes/etc?

I think my own answer would be that you shouldn't do this at all, unless the singer has started the conversation by being critical of his or her own performance - and even then you should tread carefully unless you know the person very well. I guess I don't think technical perfection at a singaround is important enough to outweigh the nasty surprises & hurt feelings that this could involve.

But is that over-protective? Might some singers benefit from being told they'd been screwing up without realising it? Has unsolicited criticism got a part to play in maintaining singaround standards?

Please stop trying to see who can throw the last punch and pick up the topic again.