The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152772   Message #3574432
Posted By: JohnInKansas
10-Nov-13 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Browsing wimmin's profiles
Subject: RE: BS: Browsing wimmin's profiles
Google - and a number of other advertisers - are sophisticated enough to link the peculiarities of your "friends" to you, on the assumption that you are likely to want the same things as those with whom you correspond. (I'll probably continue coming here anyway.)

You can, of course, cop out with the excuse that "one of my friends must have looked for that" if you want to talk about the bizarre ads you see here.

We, of course, won't believe a bit of your flimsy excuses, but the more considerate of us likely won't make (very) rude comments about your tastes. We might ask "did you find one yet" but that would be only out of our concern for your successful satisfaction of you weird ambitions. (And we'll only discuss them - mostly - offsite with people who probably don't know you - until we tell them ... .)

It has been said that "a bad reputation is better than no reputation at all," although I've thought that applied mostly to politicians.

Being mostly kind and thoughtful, we'll resist ever saying "we know what you've been doing."
