The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3574472
Posted By: Steve Shaw
10-Nov-13 - 03:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
At the risk of sounding like some one who actually gives a shit..

Believe me, you give a shit.

What is wrong with people believing in what they want to believe in and choosing your own sexual orientation?


My view always has been if you believe in religion it is a very personal thing and it aint up for question.equally if you are an atheist that is your choice

Correct. No-one's questioning it. As long as you keep it personal and away from the kids. Hey, looking at the world of religion, that's a bloody big "as long as", innit...

In my very humble opinion if you want to be gay or whatever it is your choice.

You're not very humble but you're spot on.

Mind i verily believe that without this kind of forum most of you would be lost without quoting your self styled superiority or better die from self abuse .

We were here before this forum was born and we'll be here after it dies. And still wanking.

I have met most of you in folk clubs are the smug ones who give the fifteen minute explanations to a three verse song invariably read from a massive lever arch file....

Yeah, thank Christ I play tunes and don't sing. I'm with you 101.863% on this one.

please get a life.. you all have my heart scalded..

Most of us spend about 0.003% of our lives here. You are, worryingly, spending more and more time here. Get a life, ol' girl!