The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152446   Message #3574507
Posted By: Bat Goddess
10-Nov-13 - 05:57 PM
Thread Name: Curmudgeon In Hospice - [November 2013]
Subject: RE: BS: Curmudgeon In Hospital - Nov 2013 [update]
If we didn't keep laughing, we'd slit our wrists...and there's no future in that.

Today was a pretty intense day -- on both ends of the spectrum. It ranged from the kind of discussion with several of Tom's doctors, his nurse, Tom and I, the kind of discussion you don't look forward to, but which is a necessity and a reality...regarding issues that really can't be postponed any further.

And a surprise gift left in the waiting room and brought in by the receptionist. The card on the top reads, "Tom and Linn, Sending love and good healing energy!" It was signed, "The World." While I suspect its origins were a little more local, it included a bottle of wine, a plum tart, a wonderful chorizo, kale and potato soup (heavily garlicked) which I'm eating right now along with a slice from the included boule. And a autumnally colored and beautifully scented bouquet.

And three waves of visiting friends, with a long visit from two of Tom's grade and high school classmates sandwiched in the middle.

Tom's energy level stayed really good throughout the visits and the conversations -- all of them -- were lively. And, even after being married to Tom for 31-1/2 years, I learned more about him.

We're both "carpe-ing the snot out of" every "diem"...

I'll know more about the immediate game plan tomorrow. Tom had moved back into bed just before I left. I'll call him in a little while and then again later to say goodnight.