The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152434   Message #3574874
Posted By: GUEST,Nobody in Particular
11-Nov-13 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?
Subject: RE: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?
Mr Firth, no matter how many times you repeat the same lie it doesn't make it any more true. That said, haven't you noticed that the numbers of this thread are shrinking to just a couple of your very cautious 'fans'? The only ploy you use is to make this a running insult-fest. Your ploy tries to persuade people that they are some sort of ignoramus. I know the difference of Fascism and Communism, or lack of difference, at all.

You are the one who says that we don't live in a civilised society.
Maybe that's true for those who don't live in a civilised society. Maybe YOU don't live in a civilised society or world. Perhaps you should join that part of the world what IS civilised. First step is to stop lying and stop manipulating. After all, that's what people in an uncivilised society do. In a civilised society people apologise when finding themselves at fault. Your lies and misstatements are offensive to us who live civilly.

You claim not to see it.

No wonder!

Just in case you haven't noticed, people in a civilised society can talk to each other civilly when there are differing opinions.

You don't seem to exhibit any ability to do that by sticking to the actual subject .being discussed

In a civilised society they have asylums for those who cannot abide by the ability to stay within the norms of civility.

That said, the only thing that I've suggested was to open a CIVIL discussion about making any constructive ideas as how to improve the ACA without attacking the law as a whole, nor the President, other than his misrepresenting the law by lying.

Both of you should apologise and correct the error.

But then 'Pontiffs' are 'infallible' and don't see themselves as ever needing to apologise for anything, do they?

Do you? .
comments, too!

Do you?