The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152702   Message #3575287
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
13-Nov-13 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: Fall into Winter Declutter & Fitness 2013
Subject: RE: Fall into Winter Declutter & Fitness 2013
I turned around and drove back to the mill after brekkie. Stopped to make an appointment for new winter tires and a belt for the alternator on Friday - 8am!!! But the clever woman pointed out that if I were first there would be no one ahead of me and the danger of having to wait! She has recognized that I HATE to wait. I had, of course, forgotten that the former winter tires were pronounced dead last spring. Or, I think that since we cannot find them anywhere!

This small, local service centre seems to be reasonable. I informed them early on that their job is to keep my car in good running order for another 20 years, so they give me notice when anything needs future maintenance - like the alternator belt.

Then I stopped to pick up the local paper from a friend and had a chat with her. And, finally made it to the mill where I turned up the heat in studio, and dropped off 4 gallons of city water - in front of the heater to keep it warm. It seems, from reading clayart, that the orange country water could be the cause of a problem with some glazes.

Then I turned up the heat in the living space and made lunch. But it never seemed to get quite warm enough either place and I considered the cost of heating overnight vs the cost of driving back to the city house which is warmer. I checked the weather and ascertained it would be much warmer on Thurs and through the weekend. My potting friend Vanessa showed up as I was getting ready to leave. She was OK with the studio and was going to get some work done. I need to find warm short sleeve clothes. I'll go back down on Thurs and today, I will work on small stuff on the portable wheel upstairs.

R came home, rather glad to have me back and we had supper about 7:30 after which he fell asleep on the sofa, then went to bed about 9. He was excessively tired and did not get up 'til after 8 am. I read and computered until 10 and went to bed and got up at 7.

Did two loads of laundry yesterday and two more in progress today, including changing the bed. May wash two bed pillows as well. They seem to always smell. Maybe because they are foam? Mine are feather. Duh! I do believe there may be an extra feather pillow or two at the mill. Make a note of that!

This house is not very warm either. All little space heaters, carefully arranged due to poor electrical service. Cannot do laundry and have one heater on! Floors are like ice so I finally put a thick throw rug in front of my reading chair.

It is marvellous to have energy at long last! However, I have not weighed myself since the beginning of this environmental thing. I did wear a pair of pants that kept falling down the other day so they go back to the thrift shop. Need to find the scale and bring it back to the city. Once I started feeling better, I also starting eating everything in sight.

OK, check laundry and get to potting.