The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152446   Message #3575364
Posted By: Bat Goddess
13-Nov-13 - 04:59 PM
Thread Name: Curmudgeon In Hospice - [November 2013]
Subject: RE: Curmudgeon In Hospital - Nov 2013 [update 7 Nov]
For whatever reason (they'd tried to wean him off a med; ended up putting him back on, given him some extra pain meds, etc.) anyway, by the time I got to the hospital he was in bed, very sleepy (they'd been afraid he'd fall out of the chair), his color wasn't good despite the oxygen...

He was moved to Hyder Family Hospice House in Dover, NH (phone 603-740-8500) this afternoon.

But things seem to be moving a lot faster than we had expected (well, that I had expected!). His nurse in the CCU, the nurse liaison with Hyder House, and the doctor at Hyder House have said the end could be any time...tonight, tomorrow morning...

Tom asked me to spend the night and there's a bed in the room with him.

I ducked back home to wrap up a few things, phone calls, feed the cats, cancel the electrician tomorrow...

Post here, of course.

I'll link to Mudcat from Facebook, throw some necessities in a bag and head back.

Thank you all for all the warm thoughts, prayers, white light...I'm grateful that Tom will have a "good death" without pain and with all his faculties intact and with me with him. It would have been nice for it to be at home with the cats (I COULD bring the cats, but I think that would be too complicated), but it doesn't look like that's a possibility.
