The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152446   Message #3575464
Posted By: GUEST,From ,Chris Vaughan.
14-Nov-13 - 02:51 AM
Thread Name: Curmudgeon In Hospice - [November 2013]
Subject: RE: Curmudgeon In Hospice - [update 13 November]
Sadness is not a word that i can use to describe how i feel. i who am usually so good with words am at a loss to enunciate how i feel.Grief,disbelief,flows over me like an unwelcome tide. Tom Hall taught me so much,guided me,helped me,by kindness,and critic, "Chris, yer a lovely man,and ye write some great songs,but ye need tae get some voice lessons!" He was right ,as always.and i took that to heart.With his advice i think my voice has slightly improved! Love you,Tom and If you want to learn more about Tom and Linn.there is a great article in the Spotlight Magazine. 09/26/2013 at