The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102146   Message #3576601
Posted By: Keef
17-Nov-13 - 08:36 PM
Thread Name: SunCube Fiasco
Subject: BS: The Great SunCube Swindle
Adelaide inventor Greg Watson is about to get some wonderful publicity for his planet saving SunCube solar energy device.
But he's not happy!

From: Greg []
Sent: Saturday, 16 November 2013 12:09 PM
To: Pangallo, Frank
Subject: Re: Your recent visit


Just saw the clip about the SunCube being a scam.

Channel 7 are hereby instructed to immediately stop further showing of this clip and of the item on Monday or I will initiate defamation proceedings against:
Channel 7

Personally against:
The producer of Today Tonight.
Frank Pangallo
Keith Leech
and any others involved in this activity.

The statements I heard on the clip are totally false and without proof.
If you do not have proof of these claims that will stand up in court, well you know what will be the outcome.
I know there is no proof as I lived the events.
Keith Leech is conning you.
Using TT to publicly embarrass me.
This is not the first time he has tried this.
In the past he dreamed up that GGE and out US solar cell supplier Emcore had conspired to defraud Emcore's shareholders.
Despite the claims being totally BS, the Emcore share price (public US company) dropped quite a bit.
Emcore has also publicaly stated the claims were false.
The US SEC investigated the claims and also found them to be false.
Then the Emcore shareholders filed a class action against Emcore, again based on the Keith theory.
That action also failed as the claimed were again found to be false.

So Keith has track record of making false claims against me and GGE, and then having no regard for the considerable damage to Emcore shareholder value, launched his BS attack against me via Emcore.
You need to understand Keith will make up the wildest claims, yet have no proof of wrong doing.
As he failed to destroy me via the Emcore false claim, it seems he has now turned his sights on TT.

Don't be conned by this guy as the Emcore shareholders were.
You need to talk to me before this costs you and Channel 7 a lot of money.

Greg Watson
Professional Inventor, masturbator and Foreign Exchange expert. 8)

On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 8:33 PM, Greg wrote:

Hi Frank,

I do apologise for not being available but currently I spend a lot of time in bed recovering from the flu and my most recent bout of Malaria. I'm not really in a state to discuss things with you face to face but should be able to handle a few simple email questions.
First may I say that I'm amazed you appear to be associated with Keith Leech.
Yesterday, claiming to be an employee of the power company and wanting to discuss smart meter rollout, he tried unsuccessfully to force himself inside. He was dressed in a yellow safety vest, workmen safety shoes and wearing what looked like an identity badge on a cord around his neck, with a folder of some sort in his hand. When I told him I was not feeling well and was not interested, he forced his foot into the door way, preventing me from closing it. He then started shouting various statements such as he was going to punch me in the face, plant his boot up my ass and that I owed him money. I do not know this individual by sight and until yesterday never saw him before.
Finally after many requests for him to remove his boot, he did so. I then closed the door and went back to bed. Today a neighbours told he they saw him being interviewed on the footpath by what looked like a TV crew. Is this how you now operate Frank?
BTW this individual, that I have never had any business dealing with, has publicly stated many years ago (around 2007 I think) that he will stalk he and will not stop until I'm totally destroyed. If you doubt that I have more than ample proof.

Why he does what he does is beyond me? His only beef may be that I did not sell him a SunCube. He tried to order, like a lot of others but GGE never accepted 1 order nor never asked for any deposits nor asked for upfront funds.

Thanks to the federal government refusing to grant the produce approved status and then Standards Australia altering AS5033 in such a way to make it impossible to have a code compliant installed solar concentrator PV products in Australia, it was never possible to sell / install SunCubes in Australia. Even today only flat panels can be installed to be compliant with AS5033.

Frank this is all very old news. Nothing new here.

As Keith has now threatened violence and practiced planned deception (his outfit and claim to be working for the electricity company) to gain entry against me, with obvious foreplanning of the event, I'm now considering reporting the incident to the police and seeking a restraining order against him.
As I stated above Frank, I'm sure you and Channel 7 are not in the habit of getting people to pose as someone they are not, especially using such a guise to gain entry where they may not be welcome.

Best regards,

Greg Watson