The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28477   Message #357663
Posted By: mg
15-Dec-00 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: Jane Fonda's exploits, please read
Subject: RE: Jane Fonda's exploits, please read
sometimes I read things that are just plainly least to my ears...I kept my mouth shut for how many years now? For fear of the banshee in me coming out I guess. Indifference was and let live. There was precious little indifference in the roads I traveled....people were hateful and mean about veterans...and they wouldn't even think that I was one, although stateside, so the very limited amount of self-control they might have had they didn't exercise. They said the most horrible things...and people in folk music, which I love, were the worst. And the people in Vancouver, B.C. were the very worst. Up to a few years ago I thought I just can't attend their stuff anymore..I can't go to anything without hearing good people slammed...when I knew there were American and at least one Irish-Canadian Vietnam veterans in their audiences. The songs that have been sung with such assurance and such righteousness, as if they knew diddly...the commentary that went with it. I screamed bloody murder at one patriarch of Canadian folk music when he told me, and a room full of people, some of whom were sympathetic, that there were no heroes in Vietnam. Imagine saying something like that...
