The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152860   Message #3576682
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
18-Nov-13 - 07:07 AM
Thread Name: How do I submit midi file to mudcat?
Subject: RE: How do I submit midi file to mudcat?
For those who have yet to see the full beauty of ABC. The following can be viewed by cutting and pasting into: Mandolintab ABC converter This was done in 2011 for our church choir, where our copies were previously on A5 folded to A6. This made it much easier to read.


X: 1
T: Adam lay ybounden
M: 3/4
L: 1/4
C: Boris Ord (1897-1961)
N: Words anonymous (15th century)
Z: NP 31/10/2011
K: D
V: 1
!mp!B>B A/2 B/2 | F F2 | B>d c/2B/2 | F3 | dcd | BB2 | A/2A/2 B ^G | F3 |!p! F2 F/2B/2 | A A>A | d>d A/2B/2 | A2 z | AAB | (A/2G/2) G2 | F/2F/2 G B | F3 |!mf! d d/2d/2 c/2d/2 | A/2A/2 A>A | d>f e/2d/2 | B3 | e/2e/2 d/2d/2 e | A A>!crescendo(!B | c d/2 e/2 f | e3!crescendo)!|!f! d d c/2B/2 | A2 A | f>f e/2 d/2 | e3 | e>e f/2d/2 | e e e/2f/2 | (g>f d/2e/2 | f>e c/2)d/2 | e f d | (B>A B/2d/2 | c)(>BA) | B3 ||
w: A-dam lay y-bound-en bound-en in a bond; Four thou-sand win-ter thought he not too long. All for an ap-ple, an ap-ple that he took, as clerk-es find-*en writ-ten in their book. Ne had the ap-ple tak-en been, the ap-ple tak-en been, Ne had nev-er our la-dy A been hea-ven-e queen. Bless-ed be the time that ap-ple tak-en was, There-fore we moun sing-en, De-o gra_____-ci-as! De-o gra___-ci-|as!
!mp!F F E/2D/2 | C C2 | D F E/2D/2 | (D C2) | F (F/2E/2) A | A2 G | F/2F/2 F (E/2D/2) | C3 | !p! D2 C/2B,/2 |C C>F | G>F E/2D/2 | C2 z | F (F/2E/2) F | E D2 | D/2D/2 D E | C3 | !mf!F F/2G/2 A/2F/2 | E/2E/2 E F | F F G/2A/2 | (A G2) | G/2G/2 F/2F/2 E | D F !crescendo(!F | A A/2A/2 F | A3!crescendo)! | !f!d d c/2B/2 | A2 A | A A A/2^G/2 | A3 | ^G A A/2F/2 | A A =G/2A/2 | (B>A F/2)G/2 | A2 A/2F/2 | (B A) A | A G>G | G2 F | ^D3 ||
w: A-dam lay y-bound-en bound-en in a bond;| Four thou- *sand win-ter thought he not too| long. All for an ap-ple, an ap-ple that he took, as clerk-*es find-en writ-ten in their book. Ne had the ap-ple tak-en been, the ap-ple tak-en been,| Ne had nev-er our la-dy A been hea-ven-e queen. Bless-ed be the time that ap-ple tak-en was, There-fore we moun sing-en, De-o gra_-ci-as! De-o gra-*ci-as! De-o gra-ci-as!
V:3 clef=treble-8 octave=-1
!mp!d d c/2 B/2 | B ^A2 | B F G/2G/2 | (B ^A2) | =A A d | d2 e | c/2c/2 d B | (B ^A)>!f!F | B>B A/2B/2 | F F>F | B>d c/2 B/2 | F2 z | d c d | B B2 | A/2A/2 B G | F3 | !mf!A d/2d/2 A/2A/2 | d/2d/2 c c | B B B/2A/2 | d3 | B/2B/2 d/2c/2 (B/2c/2)| d c !crescendo(!d | e d (A/2B/2) | c3!crescendo)! |!f! d d c/2 B/2 | A2 e | d d e/2e/2 | c3 |B c d/2d/2 |d c =c/2c/2 | d2 B | d>(c A/2)B/2 | (B/2c/2 d)>A | (B/2c/2) d>B | (e d) c | B3 |
w:A-dam lay y-bound-en bound-en in a bond;| Four thou-sand win-ter thought he not too long. *And all was for an ap-ple, an ap-ple that he took, as clerk-es find-en writ-ten in their book. Ne had the ap-ple tak-en been, the ap-ple tak-en been, Ne had nev-er our| la-dy A been hea-ven-e| queen. Bless-ed be the time that ap-ple tak-en was, There-fore we moun sing-en, De-o gra-ci-as! De-*o gra-**ci-as! *De-o gra-*ci-as!
V:4 clef=bass
!mp!B, D, E,/2E,/2 | F, F,2 | B, D, E,/2E,/2 | F,3 | D, A, F, | G,2 E, | F,/2F,/2 D, E, | F,3 | Z | Z |Z | Z | !p!D, A, D, | E, G,2 | D,/2D,/2 B,, E, | F,3 |!mf! D, D,/2E,/2 F,/2F,/2 |A,/2A,/2 A, F, |B, D, E,/2F,/2 | G,3 | E,/2E,/2 B,/2A,/2 G, | F, F, !crescendo(!D, |A, F,/2F,/2 D, | A,3!crescendo)! | !f!D D C/2B,/2 |A,2 C |D D C/2B,/2 | A,3 |E, A, D,/2B,/2 | A, A, =C/2C/2 |(G,/2A,/2 B,>G, |D,/2E,/2 F,>)B, | G, (D,/2E,/2) F, |(G,2 F, | E,2) F, | [B,,3F,3] |
w:A-dam lay y-bound-en bound-en in a bond; Four thou-sand win-ter thought he not too long As clerk-es find-en writ-ten in their book. Ne had the ap-ple tak-en been, the ap-ple tak-en been, Ne had nev-er our la-dy A been hea-ven-e queen. Bless-ed be the time that ap-ple tak-en was, There-fore we moun sing-en, De-o gra_____-ci|as! De-*o gra__ci-as!