The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152867   Message #3576686
Posted By: MGM·Lion
18-Nov-13 - 07:32 AM
Thread Name: Mathy Groves - oil of green
Subject: RE: Mathy Groves - oil of green
Yes yes yes, Dave. I get all that and don't disagree. My point is that all those well-meaners above - who tried to tell the OP that his recollection of what he had read, but could no longer put a hand on, must have been faulty - were wrong. I have demonstrated that his recollection was accurate: I found the identical usage in Bronson, and he had NOT misremembered. The fact that the source singer might have sung an ill-remembered or otherwise corrupt [in the literary sense] version is quite beside that point. Nor can anyone demonstrate, if it were so, whether Mrs Knuckles was herself misrecalling, or repeating a misrecall which had come to her in that form; and if so, by how many variants back [if you follow me]. That is what makes me feel your penultimate statement, together with all those above which tried to tell OP he must have remembered it wrong, are just a bit too cocksure. I have demonstrated that he accurately remembers. That's all.
