The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152870   Message #3577411
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
20-Nov-13 - 11:43 AM
Thread Name: changing words of c fox smith poetry in songs
Subject: RE: changing words of c fox smith poetry in songs
Since the first poem or song was written, people have changed words to suit themselves or their perceived audiences. Such variance in the recent period is recognized by copyright.

There is nothing wrong with this, my objection is only to failure on the part of the adapter to indicate that he has made changes.

Getting back to the subject of this thread-

A post above by John Charles links Charles Ipcar's singing versions of Fox Smith as they appear in his "Sea Songs of Cicely Fox Smith."
The title would lead one to believe that the songs have lyrics as Fox Smith wrote them, which is not the case.

The title should be changed, perhaps to "Adaptions of Sea Songs of Cicely Fox Smith for Voice, or similar.

This repeats what I posted before, but most of the posts here are general discussion and not specific to the post subject.