The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3578060
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
22-Nov-13 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
you could always form your own view

Did it years ago.

Gnomes first law. When going uphill, the universe expands making the journey longer.

Gnomes second law. When coming downhill the universe contracts making the journey shorter.

Gnomes third law. Oxygen is in short supply. When I was young gnome there was plenty of it and I could breath when I reached the top of a mountain. Many years later I am gasping for breath halfway up and therefore the oxygen must be running out.

Gnomes fourth law. Everyone has a limited number of heartbeats. To increase the heart rate is therefore to accelerate your demise.

Gnomes fifth law. There is no Gnomes fifth law.

Gnomes sixth law. The sun is cold. The higher up a mountain you get, and thereby nearer the sun, the colder it is. Ergo the sun must radiate coldness.

Gnome on creation. People think there are no female Gnomes and we must have, therefore, sprung out of the earth. The truth is there are female Gnomes and even baby Gnomes but as we all have beards and look alike it is difficult for mortals to tell the difference. Not that we indulge in sexual procreation or any other such rubbish. It is all to do with the primal soup in the fish pond. And possibly ducks.

There, everything you needed to know.

:D tG

PS - Conc, how can we ever trust you again now you have gone back on your word...